Your Global Investment Expert

Sentosa & Co is an International Investment Consulting Company that provides CIO Office services and Asset Management solutions in Capital Markets and Private Equity

Sentosa & Co. Powers Your Financial Strategy

Core Competences

Core Competences

Discretionary Portfolio and Investment Process

Investment Philosophy

Asset Class and Segment Allocation
In our experience, sustainable portfolio performance comes primarily from appropriate Asset and Segment allocation more than any stock picking selection. In fact, most stock pickers will lag market returns over the long run. One is usually better off buying an index fund vs. a selection of individual stocks as less specific risk will lead to higher adjusted return. However, active mandates and tactical allocation can achieve alpha through appropriate selection or weighting of sectors and assets. Investing in any index fund is an active decision with opportunity costs – but we believe that choosing the right mix of assets over time will be substantially more important than single winners.
Time Horizon
Clients will benefit from a portfolio if they can be patient, stay invested, and navigate volatile situations. It’s key to select the right portfolio strategy for each client, given that every investor will be able to withstand different risks, volatility levels, and drawdowns. Patience is crucial: “time in” the market is much more important than “timing” the market. Timing the market result costly as missing the best days of the year is impacting long term performance and selling at the peak of the market almost impossible. We look for a dynamic asset allocation to try to optimize the performance, targeting the right sectors and segments in accordance with risk profile selected by the client.

Our Discretionnary Portfolios

Sentosa & Co. offers a professional discretionary management process with three different profiles that adapt to the return and risk profile of each client. The three strategies (Income, Balanced, and Growth) are actively managed according to a top-down analysis of the market environment. The strategies take into account multiple factors: the macro situation, the economic cycle, key current investment themes, as well as the sentiment, and the technical momentum of the market.

The three profiles benefit from allocation ranges around the neutral allocation, allowing us to flexibly implement our views with conviction within the Asset Allocation. Through constant monitoring, we select sectors and assets that we are Overweight or Underweight and implement accordingly.

Core-satellite as a Performance Booster

We split our portfolios between CORE and SATELLITE and look to enhance performance by selecting the right tactical allocation within the satellite segment. Within Fixed Income, a satellite investment is characterized by more speculative and more volatile sectors, typically High Yield, Emerging Markets, Subordinated debt, and potential Unconstrained strategies. A satellite equity investment would be oriented towards sectors, specific countries, styles, and market capitalization.

High Beta
Emerging Markets
Subordinated Debt
Unconstrained Strategies
High Yield
Investment Grada

ETFs for More Transparency, Cost Savings, and
Better Risk Adjusted Return

We believe in creating Alpha by Beta, more than selecting the right stock or basket of stocks. By selecting the right segment with the right weighting, we improve our adjusted return and don’t depend on direct company specific risk.

We prefer to build up our portfolios with ETFs, as they provide transparency and low cost of management. We only go for mutual funds in the rare case where we don’t find any opportunities in the theme or segment within the ETF space or when a fund manager has proven their ability to provide higher risk adjusted return after fees compared to a passive investment.

Structured Product Advisor

Sentosa & Co. is having a joint venture with Atlantic Derivatives in order to give the most professional and tailor made service on structured products to clients in LatAm and around the world.

Our Values on Structured Products

Our objective is not to do mass selling of simple structures distributed randomly. We concentrate on proposing solutions that make sense in a specific market environment or in a specific portfolio, which could bring to clients an attractive payout structure.
We offer expertise to our clients that goes far beyond classic brokerage activity. From the conception, to the follow up on the secondary market, we stay in close touch with our clients.

Atlantic Derivatives

Atlantic Derivatives is specialized in Structured Products and in bringing to clients high level of tailor made solutions according to market situation and clients need. Atlantic has the full expertise and experience in order to bring strong added value in a portfolio context, looking for the best payout possible and maximize the risk adjusted performance.

Sentosa & Co. is partnering with Atlantic Derivatives in order to bring the best solutions and know how possible to its clients.

About Us

The Company

Sentosa & Co is an Investment Consulting company and CIO Office that aims to provide international financial expertise in Advisory and Discretionary investment to External Asset Managers, Pension Funds, Single Family Offices and HNWI/UHNWI clients. Highly knowledgeable professionals with many years of international investment experience and strong background, we provide a high level of expertise in Capital Markets and Private Equity with a bias towards LatAm region and clients.. Our philosophy is based on close partnership with our clients, transparency and Financial Expertise.

Philippe Preite, CFA, CFTe

Founder & CEO of Sentosa & Co.


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